I was sucked in while still a teenager. My budies try to warn me but I wouldn't listen. The change in the generations back before the 1990's started me on my way out but it would take another 10+ year before I finally put it all together and got out.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
What was your trigger to waking up ?
by CovertsadJW ingood afternoon , .
i wanted to ask everyone here , what was your trigger to waking up ?
i have been waking up for a long time , but in looking back it’s hard for me to look at one event and say “ ah ha “ , i think mine is like a slow leak - like a crack in a damn - and then hold on , because after that it’s just a flood of information.
Brokeback Watchtower
Homes for GB in Tuxido NY
by dogisgod ini was surprised that there are half (or more) million dollar estates the gb lives in.
gated communities.
close to the warwick site.
Brokeback Watchtower
Well I sure hope the GB don't have to live at headquarter and can commute from near by.
That way they can isolate themselves from the flock and get some more home time with the wife undistracted from the hussels and bussels of Warwick communal life.
Now they can drive to work whenever, and not be harassed by traffic and enjoy the quiet life as they rest out their senor years in the laps of luxury,, maybe even take an early retirement and leave the every day grind for some newly promoted GB helper.
Don't Try to Choose Your Beliefs
by cofty inbeliefs are not things to be chosen like new clothes; authentic beliefs happen to us without our conscious attention.. i have often seen comments from ex-jws to the effect that they are now unsure about what they 'ought' to believe.
others express offense when their chosen beliefs are challenged and well-meaning bystanders protest that everybody is entitled to believe whatever they wish.
this misunderstanding of what it means to believe something is unhelpful.. it's natural to want to quickly replace our old beliefs when our worldview has collapsed around us.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm thinking of Socrates reading your OP. People feel comfortable believing, but there is a price one has to pay for such comfort from a religion that has all the simple answers to life.
Don't be in a hurry to find the answers of life and force belief. Be patient this is a life long process that only ends when you die,, for all we know. Be inquisitive, explore this world, never loose your childlike way of looking at the world. This all ends once you know all the answers.
I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/socrates -
Tell me if I’m wrong - Jeffery Jackson is not a governing body member.
by Truth and Justice inyesterday, i had my sister come over to tell my mother and i that she will no longer have anything to do with us, because we need to come back to the meetings, it’s what jehovah wants, and hands her a letter to read and asks for a final hug.
my mother has been dealing with a terrible lost of dad since july, and has been very ill with stress because of it.
i no longer belong to the organization either, and i have been helping my mother out thru this ordeal, it is just as rough on me.
Brokeback Watchtower
Straight from Jw.org:
Present Members of the Governing Body
Back row, left to right: D. H. Splane, A. Morris III, D. M. Sanderson, G. W. Jackson, M. S. Lett. Front row, left to right: S. F. Herd, G. Lösch, G. H. Pierce. All members of the Governing Body are anointed Christians
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Brokeback Watchtower
That Tony guy has a one tract mind that seems to be fixated on gays, young Latinos in tight pants and he can't stop speaking about how much it disgust his imaginary Jehovah(corporation sock puppet).
Is the Governing Body going down into the flames of insanity?? Why can't they shut this guy up about this simpleton logic he thrusts upon his imaginary friend you know who(Jehovah)?
How the fuck would Tony know jehover don't like to see some nice lookin dude of any peticular nationality in a nice snug ball hugging pair of tight jeans or sweat pants for that matter. But poor old senile numb nuts Tony think jehover finds it distasteful.
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the proliferation of websites, youtube channels, books and other forms of media attention focusing on the extreme policies, teachings and scandals of the watchtower bible and tract society; where does this now leave the governing body's credibility?.
Brokeback Watchtower
I expect that more they get exposed on the internet the more chances there are to reach the inner core of the active members, the more the lawsuits pile up, and the more they grab and liquidate assets,, the more loyal members will begin to suspect(putting 2+2) some thing is not right and start to do independent research unapologetically. The climate is pretty ripe for that right now.
I see a widening field loyal dubs getting completely turned off by their former slave drivers: the Governing Body.
"Something from Nothing" (Discussion with Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss)
by leavingwt intaped live on feb 4, 2012.
(2 hours).
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Brokeback Watchtower
BTW I'm thinking the guy is definitely sexually frustrated when he projects disgust on his imaginary Jehovah over viewing tightly clad males and females, this clearly is a Freudian slip of some sort. I'm thinking this imaginary Jehovah guy is a pressure valve on this guys instincts that are about to blow!
The forbidden pleasure Tony feels with a tight pants display must make him so detached from his true self(denial) that puts him further and further in Faithful & Discreet la la land so much so that he feels he's on a mission from God to warn the wicked offenders of Jehovah's disgust.. He is definitely off his rocker over these tight pants. I'm thinking other Governing Body members have talked to him before of about his egocentric ideas., because he is totally off the walls.
I'm sure a lot of these talks about tight pants given by Tony have the entire Governing Body backing if not? Why can't they shut this guy up? Maybe most agree with him or tolerate him?